


District Resources



Mark. A. Chapa

Counselor HS At Risk

From the Counseling Dept.

Hope everyone is well. Remember you can always contact the Counseling Dept. if you need assistance with anything. I really enjoy talking to each and every one of you, so keep calling. I have asked the teachers to please include me of send me the link to your google classrooms so that I may visit with you. I want to thank those teachers that have already done so and remind the one that haven’t to please add me.

Just a reminder to check you BISD emails, all of you should be receiving emails from me regarding college fairs, FAFSA, Apply TX, and other requirements such as CPR-I, TSIA 2. Please visit your Counseling Dept. Google Classrooms.

What’s happening at the BLA Counseling Dept.

  • Many of you have been receiving calls from me as I am reviewing your transcripts and schedules.
  • Following up on students that have gone “missing in action” (MIA). With the assistance of the CIS coordinator, we are reaching out to students and parents and encouraging our students to log on.
  • Ms. Mendoza (BLAHS’s CPO) and I, will continue to meet with seniors and to recruit and registering them in the OSHA 30 class for the required CCMR credit. Great News, BLA is offering a Google Analytics Course, which will encompass, how Google works, OSHA and Forklift Certification. We will also be hosting meetings during the school day in the coming weeks with more information.
  • Students keep calling regarding log in instructions and how to access your BISD emails, it is very easy, I’ll gladly walk you through it.
  • Upperclassmen, remember that there are requirements outside of courses to graduate. I am currently assisting students with the Apply Texas, CPR-I instruction and preparing for the TSIA-2 placement test and Ms. Judy from TSC will also assisting with the FAFSA and TASFA.
  • All students must take the “Communicating with Police Officer Training” be looking out on your emails.
  • Seniors Visit the BLA Webpage for Scholarship opportunities!!
  • TSI Testing start date pending.
  • Please continue to remind students about checking their email on daily basis.


Mark Anthony Chapa
Brownsville Learning Academy
Serving All High and Middle School Students

Professional School Counselor
956-698-2456 office