


Communities In Schools

Communities In Schools at Brownsville Learning Academy (BLA) is a stay in school program dedicated to meeting the needs of our students and their parents through a team of professionals working together.  These adults come from different agencies to provide academic assistance, enrichment activities, employment/career awareness programs, health and human services and field trips to enhance your child’s learning.  The CIS Site Coordinator is always available to provide the attention, motivation, support and follow up for your child. 


CIS is part of the regular school day.  CIS activities will take place during appropriate times during the day so that the students’ regular classroom time will not be interrupted.  CIS works closely with parents and school personnel to make sure that students have the support they need.  Parents are always welcome to participate in any CIS activity.


Services available through CIS include:

a.       Supportive guidance (one on one, group and crisis intervention)

b.       Parent meetings and home visits

c.       Attendance monitoring

d.       Monitoring report cards

e.       Homework help

f.        Enrichment programs

g.       Anger Management

h.       Drug and Alcohol awareness

i.         Information and activities promoting career and college awareness.


If you have any questions or would like more information, please call Ms. Daniela Rojas, CIS Site Coordinator, at (956) 698-2180 from Monday – Friday, 8AM to 5PM. Office is located next to the school’s library.

Communities In Schools of Cameron County